(1st PPP Medical College In India under National Medical Commission Act )
    Supervised under Niti Aayog Approved By National Medical Commission
    (An initiative under PPP model with Government of West Bengal)
    Affiliated by West Bengal University Of Health Sciences
    Accredited by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
    & Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal.

  • Interventional Radiology
    Interventional Radiology
    Department of Interventional Radiology
    About Interventional Radiology

    The Department of Interventional Radiology is a subspecialty of radiology that uses image-guided, minimally invasive techniques for both diagnosis and therapy. In other words, it is a medical procedure performed by Interventional radiologist using x-ray fluoroscopy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound.

    The Department of Interventional Radiology is offering a full range of advanced interventional radiology services. With patient-focused Our department of Interventional Radiology houses state-of-art techniques and facilities such as MRI, CT multidetector, 3D&4D ultrasound machines, optical X-ray machines, OPG machines and bone mineral densitometry.

    For all routine and emergency imaging services, the interventional radiology department is open 24x 7. The team of radiologists and radiology technologists in the field of radiology has not only general expertise but also experience with subspecialties.

    div class="text"> Phone : 03463 351046
    Email : radio-diagnosis@smcbangla.com